Thursday 23 June 2016

Friday 11 March 2016

Brighter days ahead!

I just caught myself asking Moki to play with Bibbo for a bit while I tidy up, rather than begging her not to "play" with him. I sense brighter days ahead, with some sofa time for me!

Friday 4 March 2016

Emotional self-awareness

-Moki, I'm not buying anything sweet. 
-Then I not be your best friend anymore! 
-Well, that's sad, but I guess we're not best friends anymore then. 
-Mama, you always be my best friend. I just say that because I be angry that you not buy me chocolate. 

What a strange thought, wishing you were sometimes as emotionally self-aware as your three year old.

Monday 29 February 2016

A dress code?

I told Moki to get dressed so we can go out. Five minutes later she came into the kitchen wearing fewer clothes than previously but with a toilet paper scarf on.

Will the baby go back to sleep?

When your baby wakes up at 5 a.m., it's important to manage your expectations. Here's a few clear signs that he's not going back to sleep: he babbles very loudly, he painfully pokes every bit of your face and spends extra long time sticking his fingers into your eyes and nose, he turns on the light and starts laughing. That's your cue to give up any hope of sleep and make some coffee. Good morning!